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Snidge Scrumpin' the Sequel: Mapping Smell and Memory at Wolves

Snidge Scrumpin' the Sequel: Mapping Smell and Memory at Wolves

An interactive psychological experiment that collects odours that trigger different memories is being held on Friday 24th May in the eBay pop-up shop, i10 Railway Drive, Wolverhampton.  The experiment is being held between 2.00 pm and 3.30 pm.

Smell is special because it has the unique capacity to take us right back to our childhood. Snidge Scrumpin’ maps the smells that belong specifically to the Black Country, from Banks’s brewery’s hoppy stink to spicy curry. In Black Country dialect, ‘Snidge’ means ‘nose’ and ‘Scrumpin’’ is ‘foraging’. This event builds on research into the Proust Phenomenon, which suggests that odours can reactivate childhood memories.

Participants will be exposed to a number of different smells, and be asked to retrieve and describe memories, and then rate these on various dimensions. Snidge Scrumpin’ will demonstrate the importance of the smell and taste for our sense of regional history, and shows how place shapes us. The project collects the lost odours belonging to this post-industrial region whilst charting a new 21st-century palate. The event will be illuminated by a performance by a Black Country writer.

Register for this FREE event here.

For more details about the original experiment read this article.




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