University of Wolverhampton Lecture Series

Lecture Series

The University of Wolverhampton Lecture Series offers the opportunity to hear from expert researchers sharing their knowledge and expertise on a variety of subjects. Open the headings below to find out more about forthcoming lectures, or view the archive of past events.

For further information about all of the events The Doctoral College runs, and to book onto any of our lectures, visit our Doctoral College Eventbrite page.

Forthcoming Lectures

Wednesday 20th March 2024, 6pm - 7pm Online - Dr Louise Fenton 

Dr Louise Fenton is a cultural historian, illustrator and writer. Following her first degree in Illustration from Wolverhampton Polytechnic Louise has completed an MA in Illustration from the University of Wolverhampton. It was at this time that her interests moved towards the representations of marginalised cultures. She completed a PhD on the Representations of Vodou at the University of Warwick in 2010. Louise is now a senior lecturer in Contextual Studies. Recent research has been focussed on the visual and literary representations of otherness and the social history of Witchcraft, Voodoo and Zombies.

To book a place click here

Lectures since 2022

In a time of fraught ecological and climate debates, when culture, community and communication lean further and further into digital landscapes, new models of meaning-making are required. Geo-poetics offers an active interdisciplinarity that bridges the infamous gulfs between the scientific and poetic frameworks, allowing it to better investigate the hyper-object of climate change and to reconfigure truth-seeking apparatus. It seeks to re-establish the connections of human and more than human and re-ground the self in “earthness”, developing what Kenneth White called “Topological Presence”. In doing so, we revitalise the important deep time connections between being and landscape - escaping the spectral traps of online life.


In this hybrid lecture-poetry reading, Dr R. M. Francis will discuss how we read and write texts that are enabled by the earth sciences, how we reconfigure our sense of place in-light of deep-time, geological and ecological concerns, and contemplate the mental and physical health benefits of geo-poetic wayfinding.

In exploring the yogic and shamanic in this method, Francis tracks his poetics during his time as Poet in Residence for the Black Country Geological Society, producing his film poem and book, The Chain Coral Chorus (Playdead Press, March 2023): using pilgrimage, wayfinding and the Earth Sciences to get to the bedrock of place-identity.


University of Wolverhampton Lecture: ‘How digital learning can support diverse communities’ - via MS Teams, John Traxler, FRSA, MBCS, MIET, AFIMA, Professor of Digital Learning, Institute of Education, on Wednesday 22nd February 2023,from 18:00.


In December 2021 I became UNESCO Chair in Innovative Informal Digital Learning in Disadvantaged and Development Contexts. The UNESCO Chair network is some 800 leading researchers from around the world whose work supports UNESCO’s mission and especially supports working towards the Sustainable Development Goals. At a recent conference at the UNESCO HQ in Paris, the mission of the Chairs was restated in the context of global challenges, interdisciplinary research and knowledge justice. Our Chair’s brief is the chance to reconsider the role of digital learning in addressing (domestic) disadvantage and (international) development in this context and show how some of our current work contributes to these ideals. This talk will show how digital learning can support diverse communities who are distant and different from the global and national mainstreams in terms of culture, infrastructure, resources and priorities.







“ Mental Health Awareness – A Critical Exploration” University of Wolverhampton Lecture by Clare Dickens MBE – 22nd June 2022, 18:00 – 19:00

Mental Health Awareness campaigns, training models and strategies have gained phenomenal momentum over the last decade. This lecture asks us to pause and explore some of the philosophical and theoretical meta-narratives that inform this new status quo. We might ask if we need to do more, to consider how inclusive a one size fits all model is and the barriers those who need and seek help may have to navigate.

by Clare Dickens, MBE


Academic Lead for Mental Health and Wellbeing Suicide Prevention and Postvention Clare is a from a Mental Health Nursing background gaining practice and management experience within an array of settings including psychiatric intensive care, substance misuse, primary care and mental health rehabilitation settings over the past 20 years.


Clare has gained national and international esteem in suicide prevention and Higher Education Students and Staff Mental Health.

Clare won the Times Higher Education Award for outstanding student support in 2016 for her teaching and learning for staff; she has authored publications within the scope of suicide prevention practice and student mental health and contributed to national policy guidance working with Universities UK Suicide Safer Universities. Clare is the chair of Wolverhampton’s Suicide Prevention Stakeholder’s Forum, overseeing the city's action plan for suicide prevention.

In 2021, Clare received an MBE for services to education and improving suicide awareness. Clare led the development of the award-winning Three Minutes to Save a Life programme, which aims to give people the confidence and understanding required to tackle issues surrounding suicide, self-harm, and emotional resilience



Illustration and ecofeminism: rewilding Red Riding Hood’s wolf - A lecture given by local Illustrator, Bridget Irving ,  4th May 2022

If illustration ‘illustrates’ cultural belief systems and if picture books, through the expression of these dominant ideologies, train the young reader how to think, then where could be more important to challenge (mis)representations of animals and nature?

Furthermore, against a desperate background of animal rights and urgent environmental crises, how do we nurture ethics and compassion for animals and the environment within society?

With all this in mind, Little Red Hat emerged as the practical culmination of my MA in visual communication and my personal animal activism.

Inspiration came from ecolinguistics and concepts of erasure and ecofeminism in context of illustration, visual codes and practices. My book not only represents the wolf differently but it gives agency to the female child character without embodying her with hierarchical characteristics of power; she does not cut out the middle man and murder the wolf herself as an act of feminism. Instead, the story nourishes ideas around empathy and care.

I also looked to non-western story-telling techniques such as Haiku poetry and Kishōtenketsu narratives and I was influenced by Studio Ghibli animated films such as the beloved and nature harmonious My Neighbour Totoro.

All this helped form a nature-positive, child-friendly story that gently challenges stereotyping and communicates ideas of compassion and advocacy for animals.

I hope this talk will be of interest to those engaged with ideas of ecofeminism and visual linguistics but also to anyone curious to see how illustration can manipulate our thinking about the human-animal relationship.

Bio: Bridget is an illustrator and picture book maker who works primarily in animal advocacy. She has an MA in visual communication where she explored how visual ideas repeat and reinforce beliefs around the human-animal relationship; a relationship that is so often detrimental to the animal. Bridget uses her illustration to support animal rights and she believes that illustrators have a responsibility to the non-humans whose likenesses we use.

What does it mean to be well for a person with prostate cancer?


David Matheson, Institute of Health, Faculty of Education, Health and Wellbeing


Brief bio:

After a first degree in maths and physics, I trained as a teacher and taught in secondary schools in Scotland, Spain and Switzerland, before returning to Scotland to teach science and physics in a secondary school in an area of multiple deprivation while undertaking an MEd in comparative and adult education at the University of Glasgow. While still teaching full-time, I did a PhD on post-16 education in all its forms in the French-speaking part of Switzerland. I joined the University of Wolverhampton in 2017.

While, in the course of my academic career, I have moved across, and between, domains and subjects, my work has as its central, unifying thread teaching and learning in some form or another and the context within which it operates. This even applies to my work on the STAMPEDE trial [see below] and in my role as a patient advocate for Prostate Cancer UK and for Prostate Cancer Research where my function is to educate others on the patient perspective as I see it and as I experience it, and to educate myself on the perspective of other patients and those closest to them.

I have written and presented on all sorts of things to do with education, especially over the last few years on medical / healthcare education and the experience of patients and those who support them. I am also very active in issues around prostate cancer, both from a sociological and a clinical perspective.

My current research interests include: what it means to be well for a person with prostate cancer, the lived experience during COVID of the specialist nurses and volunteer peer supporters at Prostate Cancer UK, and examining and developing strategies to counter racist behaviour towards health and social care staff in a rural part of England.

I do voluntary work with Prostate Cancer UK and Prostate Cancer Research, and I am patient representative on the STAMPEDE trial – one of the biggest prostate cancer trials in the world – where I am an active member of the Trial Management Group and contribute to the management of the trial as well as being co-author on academic articles.

And, most importantly, I am spouse of, father of 3 and gramps to six beautiful children who range in age born between 2009 and 2021.




Prostate cancer is now the most common male cancer in the United Kingdom and is heading to be the most common male cancer in the world. Currently, around 50,000 men each year in the UK are diagnosed with the disease and around 11,000 men die from it each year. There are around 250,000 of us who are currently living with the disease. I say “us” not only because I am a man (and only folk born male have a prostate) but also because I am living with prostate cancer. I was first diagnosed in 2012, treated in 2012-13, and since then I have relapsed twice and had to be treated for secondary tumours. One was in my pelvis and the other in the spine. I live every day with effects of the disease and the effects of the treatments and I live with the constant knowledge that I may well relapse once again. I also live with constant knowledge that this disease may one day kill me. The important bit is that I live.

I have been a volunteer with a couple of prostate cancer charities since 2013 and this brings me into contact with a lot of people who have (or have had) the disease and, as importantly, with people close to folk who have (or have had) the disease. This got me thinking one day about wellness. Despite everything, I feel generally well. The everything, incidentally, includes chronic fatigue, regular pain, and stress and anxiety every time I wait for the results of blood tests or scans. For me, prostate cancer is part of the wallpaper of my life. So, I tried to define what it meant to me, as a person with prostate cancer, to be well. This got me wondering what being well was like for other folk who have (or have had) prostate cancer and what it was like for those close to them. With this in mind, my favourite co-author, my wife Catherine, and I set out to find out. We created a short survey that was circulated via social media and we conducted interviews.

This lecture is about what we found.

Lecture Series archive


The fifth annual University of Wolverhampton Christmas-Time Lecture used the festive song ‘When Santa Got Stuck Up The Chimney’ as its muse to take a humorous look at what might happen to poor old Santa Claus, and the advice that University of Wolverhampton experts might offer to help with his predicament. The lecture took a satirical look at why Santa chooses to access your property through the chimney and not the door, who is liable if Santa gets stuck, Santa’s health and wellbeing, disaster causation and why Santa hasn’t learned from past experiences, what happens to Santa if he doesn’t get out and what transpires if doesn’t get stuck but is caught kissing mummy underneath the mistletoe. The lecture drew on the expertise of the Institute of Sport, the Institute of Psychology, The University of Wolverhampton Law School, the STEM Response Team, The Black Country Living Museum, The Emergency Management and Resilience Centre, and The Doctoral College.



'Diverse women said diverse things…A medieval storyteller’s account of research, performance, and the feminist shipping of Chaucer’s heroines' - Dr Daisy Black



This paper shares some challenges I have encountered as a researcher and a performance storyteller of medieval material that is often misogynist and racist.

In 2015, I was frustrated that the medieval gender and race studies research I had been immersed in throughout my academic studies of medieval literature rarely filters through to mainstream medievalist media, film and performance. When I’m annoyed about something, I promise somebody important that I will do something about it in a year and a day. So I recklessly promised to give an oral storytelling performance of Chaucer’s Man of Law’s Tale at a conference in Swansea.

This was the first of five medieval storytelling shows that I would go on to do, and which have ended up playing a bigger part in my career than I could have anticipated. The shows have played in cathedrals, theatres, museums, libraries, conferences and folk festivals here and in the USA.

What I hadn’t expected was that my incorporation of feminist and queer research into these shows would be one of their most successful elements. Audience feedback testifies to the importance of this work, particularly for LGBTQ* people, who realise people like us existed, lived, loved and appeared in literature throughout history. Meanwhile, the academic and emotional labour involved in telling between the gaps in our sources has led to exciting new discoveries for me as a researcher, as well as a deeper understanding of how characters are marginalised due to gender or race.

Using my adaptation of Chaucer’s Man of Law’s Tale as a case study, this reflective paper shares some of the things I have learnt as a teller of medieval material, and asks what work might be done when sharing early materials that have an ingrained racist and gendered bias, and reflect on what this kind of work might offer our research and public engagement practice.



 The Psychology of Prisoner Rehabilitation, 10th November 2020 - Prof Laura Caulfield, Founding Chair, ICRD.

Lecture overview: This lecture covered cutting edge research on rehabilitation in UK prisons. From assessment of risk, to psychologically informed rehabilitation, and non-traditional ways of engaging prisoners, the lecture took an evidence-based approach to exploring what really works in prisons. The Institute for Community Research and Development at the University of Wolverhampton is involved with a number of projects aimed at: improving prison cells and cell furniture; managing the complex needs of older prisoners; and creative approaches to prisoner rehabilitation. This lecture shared new findings from these research projects.


Speaker Biography 

Laura is a psychologist and criminologist and for the past 18 years her research has focused on rehabilitation in criminal justice. Her work was instrumental in challenging government policy on restrictions to arts activities in prisons, has influenced the practice of arts programmes working in the criminal justice system, and has developed methodological approaches in seeking to evidence the impact of the arts.

 Laura has been invited to speak at the House of Lords to give evidence from her research, and her work has received praise nationally and internationally. For example, she has received a commendation award from the Howard League for Penal Reform for her research achievements; her research was identified as ‘research that will have a profound effect on our future’ by Research Councils UK; and she received special recognition from the Asian Psychological Association in bringing work on Javanese Gamelan music to the UK.


Laura is the author of two books. ‘Forensic Psychology’ was published in 2014, and latest book ‘Criminological Skills and Research for Beginners’ was published in 2018. 











'Intentional Content -creating a learning exhibition within a flipped learning approach',  Dr Megan Lawton, Professor of Learning and Teaching in Academic Practice based in the College of Learning and Teaching.

See recording of the webinar here


                           Megan Lecture                                        

Megan’s lecture reflected her published research on flipped learning, visual research methodology, academic development, ePortfolio-based learning, patchwork text assessment, developmental mentoring and international and transnational education (TNE).

The lecture was delivered as an inaugural webinar to identify ways of thinking about designing an online learning ‘exhibition’. Its’ topicality at a time of enforced distance learning was reflected in the 200 bookings from individuals from HEI’s across the length and breadth of the UK



Megan’s webinar drew upon her design background and her experiences as a visual learner, highlighting the importance of planning material that can be explored in a structured but flexible way.

 Megan defines Intentional Content ‘as a curated exhibition of artefacts to enable learning. It is more than a collection or repository. In this flexible environment, we do not control what participants take away from their experience or how they ‘walk’ around and interact with the exhibits however we offer learners suggested routes, questions to reflect on narratives and explanations'.





Dr Martin Khechara delivered an inspirational part lecture part interactive performance entitled – Beyond outreach: Inspirational Science communication and public engagement in the Black Country.

The lecture was very well-received by an audience that included representatives from Nottingham University, Birmingham University, and several teachers from local schools.  




The 2019 STEAM'Ed Christmas Lecture delivered yet another hilarious show! This time, a range of contributors from across academic disciplines presented a show full of the hilariously strange traditions of Christmas past, and marvellous medical treatments of the time - all alongside some frivolous, festive musical accompaniments.







Mark o'Shea

 Mark O'Shea, Professor of Herpetology at University of Wolverhampton, provided an illuminating and entertaining lecture on the scourge of snakebites.

To most people residing in developed countries, the idea that they or a loved one could suffer a snakebite, is a terrifying nightmarish scenario, but one that is highly unlikely to ever occur. But for tens of millions of people living in developing tropical countries snakebite is a fact of life, and death, an ever present danger at home, on the way to school, or when going about their daily tasks. Every year there are up to 2.5 million venomous snakebites, resulting in between 94-138,000 deaths, with a further 400,000 snakebite survivors who are permanently disabled by its effects. 



Speaker: Professor Ross W. Prior

Date: 19th March 2019 

Time: 5-7pm

Location: Chancellor's Hall 

Watch video interview with Ross Prior about the lecture here

Booking:- Eventbrite Link

With growing concern over the rise in mental health issues, particularly amongst the young, researchers and organisations across the globe are searching for causes of this alarming phenomenon. One of the most frequently agreed reasons is the pressure that the digital age is exerting upon its users. Undoubtedly Post-Millennials, otherwise known as Generation Z, or the iGen, have a range of new pressures unknown to previous generations when growing up. Although it cannot be claimed that life is necessarily more difficult for the Post-Millennials than previous generations, there are new pressures that seem to be developing as a result of the digital age.

The easy and prolific use of the smartphone, social media and YouTube fuel people’s desire to be recognised, validated and liked. Increasingly it is the norm for young people to engage in online performative behaviours of various types. In feeding individual egos the digital age puts into peril many of the values that were once considered part of ‘polite and decent’ society and exposes the vulnerable in new ways. In the short-term, many experts are now asking us to control our digital addictions, to actively switch off and have a ‘digital detox’. Whilst this plea challenges the uncomfortable extent of our digital addictions, it fails to offer sustainable solutions for improving mental wellbeing.

One solution offered in this address is the use of art, that is all of the arts, to capitalise on art’s healing properties. Art offers solutions in the development of young people and can be used within educational settings, not least higher education. The philosophy of this working is encapsulated in the term communitas – simply defined as ‘inspired fellowship’. The fundamental importance to human personal, spiritual and social wellbeing is most purely evidenced in a group’s pleasure in sharing common experiences, being ‘in the zone’ – the sense felt by a group when their life together takes on full meaning. Moments of purpose and elation can be entirely spontaneous and communitas is a group’s pleasure in sharing common experiences with one’s fellows. Integrating arts practices offers considerable potential.

Speaker Biography 

 Ross W. Prior is Professor of Learning and Teaching in the Arts in Higher Education at the University of Wolverhampton. He is best known for his pioneering book Teaching Actors: Knowledge Transfer In Actor Training (Intellect and University of Chicago Press) and his work in applied arts and health as principal editor of the Journal of Applied Arts and Health, which he established in 2009. He has a record of research surrounding learning and teaching within a range of educational and training settings. He is a member of the Arts & Humanities Research Council (AHRC) Peer Review College, a Fellow of the Royal Society for Public Health (RSPH), Member of the Australian College of Educators (MACE) and Principal Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (PFHEA). He is also Chairman of the Ironbridge Gorge Museum Trust, which runs ten museums and manages 35 historic sites within the UNESCO World Heritage area of the Ironbridge Gorge, widely considered as the birthplace of the Industrial Revolution. His latest book is Using Art As Research In Learning And Teaching: Multidisciplinary Approaches Across The Arts (Intellect and University of Chicago Press).



Conceived by the Doctoral College in collaboration with faculties from across the University, the lecture incorporated topical subject matter from a variety of informative perspectives within a humorous and seasonally traditional format. The 2018 STEAM'ed Christmas Lecture  took as its theme the First World War to commemorate the 100 year anniversary of its conclusion.

To view the video of the full lecture click 2018 Xmas Lecture  or click for video highlights.


Click here for highlights

Click here for full lecture


Speaker: Professor John Traxler 

'Since the turn of the century, we have seen mobile technologies evolve from being expensive, fragile, scarce, puny and difficult to being powerful, ubiquitous, pervasive, easy, cheap and robust. In this time and in every part of the world, they have changed the nature of the commodities, assets, transactions and organisation that constitute our economic lives; have challenged the certainties of political issues, affiliations and processes.

In languages, we have seen the emergence of new vocabularies, genres and dialects and the transformation of marginal and nomadic languages and their cultures, often in the face in the face of the dominance of global Anglophone corporations; they have fuelled moral panics and catalysed new forms of harm, affront and misdemeanour; they have transformed though not removed digital divides around the world.

Furthermore, they have given individuals and communities the means and opportunities to generate, share, transform, discuss and access ideas, images, identities and information and in doing so have the potential to threaten the established professions, institutions and forms of education.

There are clearly different interpretations of their impact from merely a technical aspect of the otherwise unchanged realities of the modern world to a symptom of a slide into the fragmented, subjective, suspicious and transient world of post-modernity. We hope to explore these perspectives.'

Speaker Biography 

John Traxler is Professor of Digital Learning in the Institute of Education at the University of Wolverhampton. He is one of the pioneers of mobile learning, associated with projects since m-learning in 2001, the first major EU project. He is Founding Director of the International Association for Mobile Learning, responsible for the annual international mLearn research conference running since 2002. He is co-editor of the definitive book, Mobile Learning: A Handbook for Educators and Trainers, and four others, plus papers, articles and chapters on all aspects of learning with mobiles and their wider impact on society. He has supported and advised UNESCO, UNRWA, USAID and ITU, and worked on projects funded by LSC, JISC, British Council, EU, IDRC and DFID in Europe, the Middle East, Sub Saharan Africa, Latin America and South Asia






Success is a Choice 12th June, 2018

Danielle explored the relationship between success and our mindset. Coming from a world where one tiny mistake is the difference between winning and failing. Danielle's lecture challenged the way you think and demonstrated how to harness the powers of vision and self-belief to pursue excellence.

Speaker Biography

Double paralympic gold medallist Danielle Brown has proven that setbacks do not have to be a barrier to success.

Taking up archery on her fifteenth birthday was the first step on a journey that saw her power to paralympic glory. Danielle spent her entire international career as world number 1, winning gold in two consecutive paralympic games and three world championships. She also accomplished something that very few disabled athletes manage when she transitioned onto the able-bodied team.

Danielle now works as a professional speaker, mentor and coach, using cutting edge research and her experiences to help others strive for excellence, develop skills for success and achieve big goals.


Over 130 bookings were received for reserved seating for Professor Kate Moss's lecture on the epidemic of female homelessness, with some attendees travelling from as far afield as London to attend.                                         

  Kate Moss Lecture ‌   

Click on image above for video of Kate's lecture.                 

The lecture highlighted how rough sleeping is on the rise, yet for women homelessness continues to be widely seen through a male lens. It is homeless men who are most often encountered on the streets, rarely women. But just because we don't often see women down and out, we should not infer that homelessness simply doesn't exist for them - far from it, homelessness is an issue that affects women too.

Drawing on years of substantial research into rough sleepers, Kate provided insights into the complex challenges faced by homeless women.

 This lecture was part of the University of Wolverhampton Lecture Series organised by the Doctoral College. 

Kate Moss and Ben HalliganKate is pictured above with the Head of the Doctoral College, Dr Ben Halligan. 

A STEAMed Christmas Lecture proves a big hit!

Due to inclement weather in December the University's much anticipated Christmas Lecture  in the Arena Theatre finally took place on 6th February. The delay only served to heighten expectations that were duly met, if not exceeded, at  matinee and evening performances. The Christmas-themed lecture explored the areas where you least expect science and the arts to merge in a performance aimed at 11- 18 year olds, their teachers, parents and anyone young at heart. The result was an hilarious journey into the world of science, music and performance with the mildest touch of education thrown in for good measure!

Steamed Xmas 2017 Intro

Click on image to view highlights video

Or for full length video click here

The University was delighted to stage a lecture by Prof Peter Churchill, the Adviser on Scientific Development to the Director General of the European Commission's Joint Research Centre, as part of the University of Wolverhampton Lecture Series.

Prof Churchill spoke about the increasingly complex challenges facing society. Issues such as climate change, food, energy, security, and economic development comprise multidisciplinary approaches. To address them properly requires clear, unbiased evidence toward informing local, regional, national and multi-national policy. The lecture explored the issues and the role of scientific support in informing policy through some examples from a European Union perspective.   


        Churchill Lecture Doctoral College‌   

Click on picture for video of Prof Churchill's 1st February, 2018 lecture.                        



Speakers: Professor Marek Kowalczuk and Dr Iza Radecka

Speaker biographies

Dr Iza Radecka is a Reader in Biotechnology and has an MSc in Biological Sciences from the University of Silesia, Poland completed in 1990. Within biosciences, she first specialised in anatomy and histology (interactions between heavy metals and enzymatic activity in brain tissue). In 1991, she took a position as a junior research worker in the Institute of Polymer Chemistry at the Polish Academy of Sciences in Zabrze, Silesia, with a special interest in the biodegradability of different synthetic polymer blends. After one year there, she decided to take a PhD researcher/lecturer post at the University of Silesia, Katowice, with a special interest in microbial biotechnology concerning the production of biodegradable polymers by bacteria under different environmental conditions. Iza completed her PhD in the Department of Biochemistry, University of Silesia, Katowice.

Iza joined the School of Applied Sciences at the University of Wolverhampton in September 2000. Since then, she has continued her research into the production of biodegradable plastics from bacteria. Her research is focused on the cost-effective production of novel bio-based polymeric from waste. Iza has published numerous research papers in highly ranked scientific journals, and authored several chapters in biotechnological books. Iza has also given a broad number of invited lectures at international conferences.

She was awarded a Mercia Spinner Pathfinder concept grant and Enterprise Fellowship Scheme to develop new biopolymer extraction methods from bacteria grown in large fermenters.

Professor Marek Kowalczuk graduated from the Chemistry Department at the Silesian University of Technology, Gliwice, Poland. He received his Ph.D. degree in Chemical Science (1984) and his ‘Habilitation’ in Technical Science (1994) from the same University. Since 2010, he has been a Professor of Chemistry, nominated by the President of Poland. In 1973, he joined the Centre of Polymer Chemistry at the Polish Academy of Science in Zabrze, Poland (currently: the Centre of Polymer and Carbon Materials, Polish Academy of Science) and focused on anionic ring opening polymerization of β-lactones, especially β-butylolactone. Marek joined the Faculty of Science and Engineering at the University of Wolverhampton in 2013.

His main scientific interests are: biodegradable and functional polymers; novel initiators and mechanisms of anionic polymerization related to the synthesis of biodegradable polymers possessing desired architecture; biodegradation of synthetic and natural polymers; and novel mass spectrometry techniques for analysis of biodegradable polymers at the molecular level.

His current research involves structural studies of biocompatible copolymers and blends of controlled biodegradability containing synthetic analogues of natural polyhydroxyalkanoates and copolymerisation reactions to novel polymeric materials with “made-to-order” structure and properties, with variety of catalysts, including metal free anionic initiators



Speaker: Professor Gary Sheffield

Date: 25 April 2017

In war, different soldiers can have radically different experiences. A soldier in a trench or in a tank will have a very different view of a battle from someone in a supply depot, and a campaign in the desert will produce very different challenges from one fought in a temperate land. Some factors that shape experience of war are within the control of the individual, but many are not.

In this lecture, Professor Gary Sheffield examines these various factors and asks how much, or how little, control soldiers have over their own fate, and whether things have changed much over the centuries.


 Speaker: Professor Andy Westwood

Date: 15 March, 2017

This lecture discussed the Higher Education reforms in England introduced in Parliament, considering how they  evolved and the politics  surrounding them. Particular attention was given to the White Paper: 'Success in a Knowledge Economy' and to the subsequent HE & Research Bill as it continued through both Houses of Parliament towards legislation. The lecture asked what this would mean for universities, students, graduates and research in England?


‌‌‌Speaker: Professor Andy Lane

Date: 6 February 2017

Sport psychology is focused on helping athletes perform better in competition. Human competition is an integral part of many areas of endeavour, ranging from taking an examination, giving a presentation, and having a job interview. In this talk, Professor Andy Lane will examine strategies than might help people perform better. He will draw on a wealth of research and practice including the largest study ever study conducted on the effects of interventions to change emotions to perform faster, a project run with the BBC narrated by Olympian Michael Johnson.

When giving advice to someone striving for an important goal, the advice needs to work. Sport psychology is a science and Andy will discuss how we can conduct research that has real-world value. Using the BBC project as an example, he will talk about working on a project that size, working with Michael Johnson, working with the media, and the stresses and strains that launching your research on The One Show brings about. The talk will be relevant to anyone who wishes to improve her or his mental game and interested in being able to develop and evaluate how effective strategies are.

Professor Sir Richard J Evans held a guest lecture hosted by the Faculty of Social Sciences on Tuesday 15 November 2016:

The Pursuit of Power: Europe 1815-1914

Richard Evans explored the revolutions, empire-building and wars that marked the nineteenth century. It was a time where what was seen as modern with amazing speed appeared old-fashioned, where huge cities sprang up in a generation, new European countries were created and where, for the first time, humans could communicate almost instantly over thousands of miles.

Richard Evans’s lecture drew on a lifetime of thinking about 19th century Europe and recreated a rich and entertaining exploration of a continent undergoing drastic transformation.

The author also signed copies of his book following his talk.

About the Author

  • President of Wolfson College, Cambridge and Provost of Gresham College
  • Until 2014, the Regius Professor of History at Cambridge University
  • Fellow of the British Academy, the Royal Society of Literature and the Royal Historical Society, and an Honorary Fellow of Jesus College, Oxford, Gonville and Caius College, Cambridge, and Birkbeck College, London
  • Knighted in 2012

Professor John Darling, Dean of Research, and Dr Benjamin Halligan, Director of The Doctoral College, welcomed over 80 people to the inaugural lecture of The University of Wolverhampton Lecture Series on Thursday 10 November 2016.

Professor Geoff Layer, Vice Chancellor of the University of Wolverhampton, spoke about Research in UK Higher Education: The Challenges and Opportunities.