National Professional Qualification (NPQs)

Reformed National Professional Qualifications (NPQs)

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What are the new National Professional Qualifications?

The reformed National Professional Qualifications (NPQs) are a suite of DfE accredited qualifications for teachers and leaders who want to develop their knowledge and skills in school leadership and specialist areas of teaching practice. 

The reformed NPQ frameworks continue the robust method of design and development, building of the evidence base and expert guidance already established in the ECF and the ITT Core Content Framework. The content of the frameworks and their underpinning evidence have been independently assessed and endorsed by the Education Endowment Foundation (EEF).

They complete the golden thread, running from initial teacher training through to school leadership, rooting teacher and school leader development in the best available evidence and collective wisdom of the profession.

The new NPQ reforms include:

  • reforming the 3 existing NPQS in senior leadership, headship and executive leadership
  • replacing the current NPQ in middle leadership with 3 new NPQs for teachers and leaders who want to develop their expertise in specialist areas of teaching practice

The 3 new NPQs in specialist areas of teaching are:

  • Leading Teacher Development (NPQLTD): for teachers who have, or are aspiring to have, responsibilities for leading the development of other teachers in their school
  • Leading Behaviour and Culture (NPQLBC): for teachers who have, or are aspiring to have, responsibilities for leading behaviour and/or supporting pupil wellbeing in their school
  • Leading Teaching (NPQLT): for teachers who have, or are aspiring to have, responsibilities for leading teaching in a subject, year group, key stage or phase

The reformed leadership NPQs are:

  • Senior Leadership (NPQSL): for school leaders who are, or are aspiring to be, a senior leader with cross-school responsibilities
  • Headship (NPQH): for school leaders who are, or are aspiring to be, a headteacher or head of school with responsibility for leading a school
  • Executive Leadership (NPQEL): for school leaders who are, or are aspiring to be, an executive headteacher or have a school trust CEO role with responsibility for leading several schools

Each NPQ is underpinned by a new content framework. These frameworks set out what participants should know and be able to do after completing an NPQ, and providers have used these to design their courses.

LLSE and the University of Wolverhampton


We are working in partnership with the lead Provider Leadership Learning South East (LLSE) to deliver the new NPQ framework. With LLSE, we are working together to build capacity in the system for outstanding leadership. Key to our growth over time is a fundamental commitment to sustainable partnerships with schools and relationships with leaders.

Our Vision for NPQs

  • A network of school groups passionate about embedding high-quality leadership development programmes into the fabric of your local education systems.
  • NPQs are seen by aspiring and current leaders not just as a course but as a framework for career-long professional development, and rich source of coaching, peer support and sustained professional networks.
  • NPQs are fully connected to and actively supporting teacher development through ITT, ECF and CPD.

All programmes will start in February 2022. The application deadline is 21st January 2022. To apply, please check out the information below. 

If you have any questions, you can contact us by email at 


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