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Accessing Library electronic resources is now easier

Accessing Library electronic resources is now easier

The University provides access to an extensive Digital Library of over 400,000 eBooks and 80,000 print journal titles via Library Search our online catalogue and the Leganto reading lists system accessed in Canvas.

We have always tried to make it as easy as possible for you to access all the electronic resources that the Library provides, but we know that on occasion some of you had difficulty logging in.

During these exceptional times, to ensure that you are able to make use of the extensive resources wherever you are, we have replaced our authentication system to make it much easier and more reliable to log in and gain access to all of our resources.

The system was upgraded on Wednesday 17th June, due which meant the old login prompt (left) gradually disappeared over the course of a couple of days, and the new one (on right) replaced it. You should use the same details you use to log in to Canvas, University Email or myWLV. In fact, if you have already logged in to any of those services, you won’t even be prompted to log in again when trying to access any electronic resources!

Contact Library support through ASSIST if you do experience any issues or have any questions.



For more information please contact the Corporate Communications Team.

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