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Elsevier Virtual Roadshow Series UK: Spring 2022


The Library is offering a series of webinars from the publisher Elsevier in March and April, aimed at researchers and academics.

All webinars take place on Zoom, register in advance using the links below. 



Elsevier Virtual Roadshow Series - Spring 2022 

University of Wolverhampton

Presenter: Michaela Kurschildgen, Elsevier Customer Consultant (

About the webinar

Date/Time/Zoom registration link 


How to get published in a scholarly journal: Top Tips from a Publisher


You’ve completed your research and want to publish your work in a peer-reviewed journal. Are you wondering where to start? Do you know where you find relevant information quick and easy? Do you want to learn how to structure your paper, or what to include in a cover letter? Is the submission and peer-review process a mystery to you and do you know why editors accept (or reject) papers? Do you understand the importance of ethical issues? Perhaps you’ve submitted your work before and are in need of some guidance interpreting and responding to reviewer comments. 

If this sounds familiar to you, register now for this Elsevier Researcher Academy Online Seminar and get some tips from the Publisher. 


Learning Outcomes

Participants will be able to: 

  1. Have a clear idea of the steps needed to be taken before starting to write a paper.
  2. Choose the right journal to submit your paper to
  3. Have a clear idea about author rights and responsibilities
  4. Understand sensitive areas such as publishing ethics, plagiarism and duplicate publishing

Understand how peer review works and how to respond to feedback

Target Audience: PG Students and Early Career Researchers

Presenter: Michaela Kurschildgen, Elsevier Customer Consultant Elsevier


Session #1: 

8th March, 2.00-3.15pm

Register in advance for this webinar

Session #2: 

12th April, 2.00-3.15pm

Register in advance for this webinar

How to address some of researchers’ most pressing questions with Scopus

Scopus as a tool for research students and researchers


You are at the beginning of your research endeavour, and you are not sure if you miss any relevant information. 

Are you wondering where to start? 

Do you know how to get a quick overview of a new subject area and with whom you should collaborate with to increase your chances of publishing successfully and getting cited?

Do you know where to find research metrics and how they can be applied and monitored to help develop publication strategies? If this sounds familiar to you, register now for this live demonstration which introduces Scopus as a tool for research students and researchers who need access to the latest relevant research. It is aimed at beginners and intermediate users.


You'll learn how to:

  1. Search smarter not harder
  2. Track research trends
  3. Use Refine Results to reveal more insights
  4. Visualize the research landscape
  5. Find out all about your own research story

Target Audience: Postgraduate Students, Academic staff, Researchers, Library- and Research staff

Presenter: Michaela Kurschildgen, Customer Consultant Elsevier


Session #1:

9th March, 2.00-3.15pm

Register in advance for this webinar

Session #2:

13th April, 2.00-3.15pm

Register in advance for this webinar

Scopus Yourself - Learn all about Scopus author profiles

 Author level metrics may be used for tenure, funding and for other research performance-based decisions; therefore, it is important to ensure your researcher profile reflects your information correctly.


Learning Outcomes

After attending this session, you should be able to:

  1. Understand how Scopus author profiles work
  2. Review and update your author details
  3. Visualize your research story
  4. Connect your Scopus author profile with ORCID

Identify experts or track who is citing your research

Target Audience: Postgraduate Students, Academic staff, Researchers, Library- and Research staff

Presenter: Michaela Kurschildgen, Customer Consultant Elsevier


Session #1:

10th March, 2.00-3.00pm

Register in advance for this webinar


Session #2:

 21st April, 2.00-3.00pm

Register in advance for this webinar


Introduction to Research Metrics and Indicators in Scopus - Using Journal-Level, Article-Level, and Author-Level metrics responsibly

 Research metrics are sometimes controversial and therefore, using multiple complementary metrics can help to provide a more complete picture and reflect different aspects of research productivity and impact in the final assessment. This session will focus on understanding publication related metrics, and how are they calculated. We will showcase the metrics available in Scopus and how metrics can be applied and monitored for developing publication strategies, understanding your performance, and identifying key leading researchers in your field of research.


Learning Outcomes

After attending this session, you should:

1. Understand how citations can be used as a proxy for quality, impact and reach.

2. Understand how Journal metrics measure, compare, and rank journals as outlets for scholarly research publications

3. Understand how author level metrics help researchers assess the cumulative impact of their work

4. Understand how Article level metrics present a richer picture of how an individual article is being discussed, shared, and used

5. Know where to find this information in Scopus

Target Audience: Postgraduate Students, Academic staff, Researchers, Library- and Research staff

Presenter: Michaela Kurschildgen, Customer Consultant Elsevier



5th May, 2.00-3.00pm

Register in advance for this webinar 









For more information please contact the Corporate Communications Team.

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