
01902 321533 / 8906



University of Wolverhampton Science Park
Glaisher Drive
WV10 9RU

Visitor Information

University of Wolverhampton Science Park

Enter the address below for directions:

University of Wolverhampton
Science Park Site Office
Technology Centre
WV10 9RU

The University of Wolverhampton provides a free shuttle bus between our other campuses (including Science Park).

You can get a direct train into Wolverhampton from Birmingham (15/20minutes) From there, you can walk 5 minutes to the bus stop outside University of Wolverhampton's Rosaline Frankline building on Stafford street and catch the free campus shuttle bus or pick up a taxi to the the Science Park.

If you are travelling to England via an airport in Europe, you should try and get a flight to Birmingham International Airport, which is closest to all University of Wolverhampton Campuses. It has a railway station with frequent, direct services to Wolverhampton.