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Join the Navigators Christian Society to meet new friends, get support, and enjoy trips away

Navigators Christian society: group of students on a trip, holding up the navigators banner

Spotlight on student societies: Meet the Wolverhampton Navigators

Hear from the Wolverhampton Navigators Society, a Christian fellowship group that supports students in growing as Christians. Students are invited to join in their social activities to meet new friends, or seek advice and support from students in the upper years. 

"Our aim is to strengthen the faith of our members through group Bible study and one to one meetings and, most importantly, help students get to know Jesus Christ. There are also other Navigator groups in other universities in the UK and around the world, and therefore we will be able to provide several chances to experience fellowship with them.

The Navigators is a global organisation to help people in all walks of life to know Jesus Christ. We have 'social activities day' which enables students to create friendships and develop their personal character. We are also a small fellowship group which allows us to encounter deeper relationship with each other."

Follow the Instagram account to keep up to date with the latest activities at:

You can find out more on the linktree. To join, or find out more email:

For more information please contact the Corporate Communications Team.

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