
The University is committed to high standards of service and over the course of your studies you will have many opportunities to give us feedback on your experience. Occasionally, however, you may feel that this is not sufficient to address a concern you have and you may wish to raise a complaint.

The University takes all complaints seriously. Many are resolved quickly and informally between the parties concerned, and we strongly recommend you raise your concerns as soon as a problem arises. Dealing with a problem early may prevent it from getting bigger and more difficult to resolve.

However, where an informal resolution is not possible, the Conduct and Appeals Unit is there to provide an effective and efficient service, enabling complaints to be resolved without recrimination and in a confidential manner.

Students' Union:


Postgraduate Research Students:


15.1 Research students who are dissatisfied with their conditions of work or the quality of their supervision should wherever possible discuss the difficulties with their supervisor.

15.2 If a research student prefers not to discuss their concerns with the supervisor, the student should approach the Postgraduate Research Tutor.

15.3 If the complaint is not resolved through informal routes then the University of Wolverhampton has a formal Student Complaints Procedure. Information on the complaints procedure may be found at:


For other issues, please visit our Complaints section.