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#WolvesWellbeingandMe: complete the mental health and wellbeing survey

#WolvesWellbeingandMe: complete the mental health and wellbeing survey

The University of Wolverhampton has secured funding from the City of Wolverhampton Council to deliver the #WolvesWellbeingandMe programme, which will provide insight into the mental health and wellbeing of people and communities across the city. 

To help understand local views, people across the city are asked to complete a mental health and wellbeing survey. The study is for people aged 16+ who live, work or study in Wolverhampton. It takes around 15 minutes to complete, and all responses are anonymous and will be stored confidentially.  

Anyone who completes the survey can also enter into a prize draw to be in with a chance of winning up to £150 of vouchers. 

Complete the survey 

The #WolvesWellbeingandMe programme will look to explore the experiences of different population groups during the Covid-19 pandemic and consider the things that have challenged their wellbeing and the resources people have drawn upon to stay well.  

You can watch a video telling you more about this work here: Empowering Communities Project - #WolvesWellbeingandMe 

This work also supports the University’s recently launched Student Mental Health and Wellbeing strategy, where collaboration and working in partnership is a key pillar, alongside making use of relevant data and research. 

For more information please contact the Corporate Communications Team.

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