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StudentBeans Blog: Coping with and combatting loneliness at university

woman in white lounge wear perched on a chair looking longingly out of a window covered with white sheer curtain

StudentBeans provides advice for students who may be feeling a bit lost or looking for tips and tricks to navigate student life.  

Struggling with loneliness? More than one in four students feel lonely at University, after all, it’s likely to be your first time living away from home, with all new people, routines and expectations. So, go easy on yourself. Remember you aren’t the only one who’s probably struggling to settle in. In fact, our recent survey of over 1,000 16-18-year-olds showed that over 64% of you are worried about making friends.

For some, university can be a tough adjustment period which can lead to isolation, culture shock and other things that affect our ability to make new connections. Don’t panic, we’re totally here for you — we’ll take you through the why and how of combatting loneliness at uni.

For more information please contact the Corporate Communications Team.

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