Policy on International Travel


Corporate, Directorate of Recruitment and Partnerships

Policy on International Travel

This policy is currently under review

It is in the interests of every employee proposing to work or travel overseas on University business that they should give adequate and serious thought to their own health and safety and the likely conditions and situations that they may encounter when travelling. The University has a responsibility to ensure it has adequate, effective and inclusive management arrangements in place to protect the health and safety of its employees. However, it also remains the responsibility of each individual employee to actively participate and co-operate with the University in the execution of its responsibilities. Of utmost importance is the requirement that all individual employees embarking on an overseas trip should take heed of the advice, training, instruction and guidance available to them and act upon it.

Staff with line management responsibility for employees of the University that travel and work overseas are expected to implement travel risk management arrangements to protect their staff. Line managers should be mindful that some employees may decline a request to travel or work overseas if they judge that there is a significant risk to their personal health and safety. Employees are not obliged to disclose their personal circumstances to line managers, however individuals must ensure that before travelling they are aware of any local customs or rules that might place the individual at increased risk due to their personal circumstances. Employees must not be placed at a career disadvantage as a result of declining a request and should be afforded alternative career opportunities. To ensure compliance and promote equality, this policy/procedure will take account of the requirements of the Equality Act.

All employees whilst on duty overseas will be expected to adhere to the UoW employee code of conduct at all times. As an ambassador of the University, employees must act professionally at all times, however should an incident of misconduct arise, the matter will be dealt with in accordance with the University’s Staff Disciplinary Polic

This policy aims to outline to employees the health and safety issues they may need to consider to ensure they have a safe experience while travelling and working overseas on behalf of the University. The health and safety of University staff is of paramount importance and this policy endeavours to put into place procedures which mitigate the risks associated overseas working.

This policy applies to all employees of the University undertaking work-related travel including travel not funded by the University. It provides essential guidance to employees and line managers regarding planning for an overseas visit. The policy covers employees who are undertaking short term trips overseas; it does not cover the travel of employees where they are considered to be resident overseas. Students, who are undertaking University organised study trips or placements abroad will be covered by the University’s Business Travel Insurance and will be required to register the details of their travel in the same manner as employees (via the online TravelCert system). For student trips, standard risk assessments should be conducted by the trip organiser.

Overseas working includes any practical work activity carried out by employees for the purpose of teaching, professional development, marketing, collaboration, quality assurance, enterprise or research in countries other than those within the United Kingdom. Overseas working should not be confused with overseas holidays.

As with all work related UK based travel, all overseas work related travel and its associated work activity must be risk assessed in advance of travel commencing using a generic risk assessment form. The School or directorate also has a duty in relation to the proposed travel to, ‘so far as reasonably practicable’, make an assessment of employee ‘fitness for travel’ and general capabilities prior to travel commencing. This is of particular importance as overseas travel may potentially impose additional health related risks. The assessment is crucial to ensure that any pre-existing health conditions are not compounded by the overseas travel or work related activity.

When assessing the risk involved in any trip abroad it is important to consider the following factors (please note this list is to be used only as a guide and is not exhaustive):

1) Use www.fco.gov.uk for guidance on specific areas. In addition to this consult colleagues who have travelled to the respective destination previously

2) Look at the risks involved pertaining to:

  • Work Related, for example physical injury caused by the work activity
  • Exposure to known endemic illness in a given destination
  • Risks relating to personal safety, such as local criminal or political activities, terrorism and civil unrest
  • Personal attack
  • Driving
  • Animal/insect bites
  • Minor injuries
  • Conflicts or problems in neighbouring countries or regions
  • The health of those travelling and whether they are indeed “fit to travel”
  • Any pre-existing medical conditions that a person may have
  • Sunburn
  • Contaminated water/food
  • Theft of personal effects, such as passport, bank cards, mobile phones and travel tickets for example

A risk assessment should then be produced by the department head and person/persons travelling as required. The Health and Safety manager will also be available to provide further guidance should there be a requirement. Employees should use the University’s Travel Insurer’s application HEALIX to assess the risk (See Appendix 2). All travel not falling within the above definition should be considered on a case by case basis.

All employees intending to travel overseas on University business must obtain approval from their line manager prior to making any arrangements or commitments. Where approval is not provided the employee will be unable to proceed. This approval is based on the level of risk to the health and safety of the employee. Failure to obtain approval prior to making arrangements will be considered a breach of the policy. It may also result in the employee not being covered by the University’s travel insurance provider.

6.1 Forms for completion

6.1.1 ITA01 - Overseas Travel Approval Form

The rationale for the travel should be set out in the Overseas Travel Approval Form (ITA01). This form should be submitted for prior approval to the employee’s line manager along with a completed ITA02 Risk Assessment Profiling form. The ITA01 form includes a section in which employees must formally outline how they will make arrangements to notify their line manager or nominated person at the University that they have arrived at each stage of their journey. Employees travelling overseas must ensure that these arrangements are communicated to the staff member(s) they name on the ITA01 form. Employees are also required to ensure a copy of their itinerary and travel information is given to their line manager or nominated staff member for reference prior to their departure. If line managers are unable to approve the travel, particularly in cases where the risk to the health of the employee exceeds being low, they should refer the request to the Dean of Faculty or Director of Service Department for the risk to health to be further considered and a decision made. Once completed, all forms must be submitted, for information, to the International Office for details of the travel to be recorded in the International Travel WOLF topic. This information is required by the International Office in order that there is an awareness of any member of University staff who may be working overseas on behalf of the University at any given time.

6.1.3 ITA02 - Risk Assessment Profiling Tool

A suitable and sufficient risk assessment must be carried out for overseas travel by the employee who has arranged / organised the trip (and who is also travelling as part of the trip) and this must consider any others that may be travelling with them as part of the trip. The nature and complexity of the risk assessment will also vary dependent on a number of key factors, which include the type of activity being undertaken, the personal state of health of the employee and the health of those accompanying them and the location(s) to which they are travelling etc.

The ITA02 form should be submitted for approval to the relevant employee’s line manager at the same time as the ITA01. Line managers should ensure, as far as reasonably practicable, that employees travelling on University business take advice on the potential risk to health and safety associated with overseas travel. Line managers should be satisfied that the employee has given adequate consideration to the risk factors identified previously. Where line managers are unable to grant approval for travel on the basis of the risk assessment, the form should be submitted to the Dean of Faculty or Director of Service Department for the risk to those taking part in the trip to be further considered and a decision made as to whether the employee(s) is / are able to travel.

Employees should note that some exclusions apply for countries where the FCO warns against all non-essential travel. Furthermore, at the time of writing, there is no automatic cover provided for trips to North Korea, Iran, Syria, Cuba, Sudan, Russia and Ukraine (Crimea and Sevastopol). Employees should contact the University’s Insurance Officer if they expect to visit any of these countries as a supplementary travel questionnaire will require completion and submission to the Insurer before cover can be granted. However, if the Insurer alters the list of countries, then upon submission of the TravelCert application, the traveller (or administrator completing the application) will be alerted that they need to contact The University’s Insurance Officer as no travel certificate would automatically be issued. It is important that any TravelCert process is carried out in enough time to ensure the TravelCert certificate is issued in advance of the actual trip. Employees must not travel without the certificate. This is not only for this sanction issue, it would also affect cancellation cover in that if the trip is booked and paid for and is then cancelled before the TravelCert is issued: any potential claim would be excluded as no cover would have been in effect. In addition, employees should use the University’s Travel Insurer’s application HEALIX to assess the risk. If an employee dismisses FCO and HEALIX warnings and travels to a high risk destination regardless of whether this is to one of the countries named previously, this may invalidate the standard University travel insurance. 

6.1.4 University Risk Assessment Form and Approval

It is important to note that assessment of level of risk will vary between employees. For example, some might consider flying anywhere to be a medium / high risk. Where completion of the ITA02 Risk Assessment Profiling Tool has identified that the risk to the health and safety of the employee or those travelling with them exceeds being low, i.e. medium or high risk, the University Risk Assessment Form (see Appendix 1) should be completed and submitted to the employee’s line manager. If the employee’s line manager is unable to decide whether the risk to the employee’s health and safety has been mitigated, the decision to approve or refuse travel may be escalated to the Dean of Faculty or Director of Service Department. If the Dean or Director is satisfied that the employee has considered all the risks and that these have been mitigated as far as possible, no further action is required and travel arrangements can begin. Risk assessments should be reviewed and, where appropriate, updated on arrival at the overseas destination by the employee so that they reflect any additional hazards that may have become apparent, e.g. changes in travel arrangements or accommodation, political situation, environmental conditions or health issues. This can also include any updates from the Travel Management provider via the Healix Travel Oracle Mobile App.

6.1.5 ITA03 - Visit Report

Effective management of overseas travel requires review and feedback. As such, all employees undertaking overseas travel are required to submit a visit report (ITA03) to their line manager following their return. As well as detailing the events and outcomes of the visit, the report also includes a section for health and safety. Employees should note any health and safety issues experienced during their overseas visit. In cases where health and safety issues have been experienced, line managers should use this information to inform future approvals and visits to this location. Where accidents, personal harassment, incidents of violence, near misses etc. have occurred during the visit, these should be reported via the University’s Accident and Near Miss portal. Where possible, it is important that a debrief takes place with the employee’s line manager upon the employee’s return to the UK (this may not be necessary for short trips, for example attendance at a conference). Any negative impact on the employee can be discussed and the appropriate support offered (e.g. referral to the University’s Occupational Health Advisor).

6.2 Recording the details of International Travel undertaken by Employees

The employee travelling overseas is responsible for informing the International Office of the details of travel so that they may be recorded on the International Travel Approval WOLF topic. Access to the topic is open to all employees to view and the topic can be located within WOLF by using the ‘Search for Topics’ facility on home page. The Policy and associated forms and guidance can also be accessed via this WOLF topic (http://wolf.wlv.ac.uk/ic/70755/).


6.3 Approval Process Flow

6.3.1 Low Risk Process


6.3.2 Medium-High Risk Process

The approval process for travel that has been profiled as medium or high risk is as above, provided that the employee’s line manager is satisfied that the employee has given adequate consideration to all the risks and mitigated these as far as is reasonably practicable. In this case, no further action is required and travel arrangements can begin. N.B. During this part of the process it is important to re-visit the risk assessment, as including all of the necessary control measures may mean that the ‘residual’ risk is reduced and the risk may not be considered to be low. Escalation Procedure resulting in Approval If the employee’s line manager is unable to decide whether the risk to the employee’s health and safety has been mitigated sufficiently, the decision to approve or refuse travel must be escalated to the Dean of Faculty or Director of Service Department. If the Dean or Director is satisfied that the employee has considered all the risks and that these have been mitigated to as low as is reasonably practicable, then no further action is required and travel arrangements can begin.

Escalation Procedure resulting in Refusal

Where the line manager and Dean of Faculty or Director of Service Department deem the residual risk to the health and safety of the employee too high, travel will be refused and the employee given an explanation for the reason for refusal. 

Employees will not be permitted to travel without the manager’s consent. Approval for all travel must be sought from their manager prior to travel, where approval is not provided the employee will be unable to proceed. Should the employee proceed with the travel arrangements this will be against the advice of their immediate line manager and the University. It may also result in the employee not being covered by the University’s travel insurance provider. In addition, line managers may decide to take disciplinary action. The employee will be in breach of the policy.

Employees / Travellers are responsible for:

  • Taking care of their own health and safety whilst undertaking off-site visits and not compromising the safety of colleagues with whom they may be travelling
  • Utilising the systems in place for managing such visits with their Departments
  • Undertaking a suitable and sufficient risk assessment prior to each overseas trip, taking account of up to date information
  • Notifying the University that they have arrived at each stage of their journey
  • Feeding back any concerns to the University at an appropriate point either during or after the visit
  • Feeding back information regarding health and safety or security issues which have taken place during their visit, both for the purpose of recording such incidents and for the purpose of enabling intelligence to be communicated to colleagues undertaking similar overseas visits.

Line Managers are responsible for:

  • Ensuring that a suitable management system is in place which reflects the requirements of this
    policy, also that such a system is regularly monitored
  • Ensuring that, as part of the management system in place, a suitable and sufficient risk assessment (ITA02) is completed prior to each overseas trip, taking account of up to date information and highlighting to the appropriate Dean or Service Director where a “High” or “Medium” level residual risk is identified
  • Ensuring that employees who undertake travel as part of their work are suitably trained, knowledgeable about their destination and sufficiently experienced to conduct the visit
  • Ensuring that employees are allowed a suitable and sufficient amount of rest time following their return from an overseas trip
  • Responding to incidents and formal feedback reported by returning employees on the Visit Report (ITA03)
  • Taking suitable action to manage incidents which may arise involving University employees.

Deans of Academic Faculties and Directors of Corporate Service / Support Departments are responsible for:

  • Ensuring that an appropriate system is in place to consider the adequacy of risk assessments
  • carried out by line managers
  • Ensuring that a robust system is in place to manage employees who may be off-site within their areas of control
  • Receiving reports of significant (Medium or High) residual risks and making considered decisions on their acceptability, possibly involving other professional staff e.g. Health & Safety Department, International Office, as appropriate, in accordance with the H&S policy.

The Directorate of Recruitment and Partnerships (International Office) is responsible for:

  • Acting as the owner for the University’s Policy On International Travel By Employees and ensuring that it is regularly reviewed and kept updated
  • Establishing the risk statement in relation to overseas travel and for considering this statement when strategic decisions are made in relation to work overseas
  • Co-ordinating information on all members of University staff who are working abroad
  • Where appropriate, providing advice to Deans and Service Directors who are considering any requests for overseas visits where the risk assessment (INT02) has identified “High” or “Medium” residual risks exist or where requests are made to travel to areas outside the published risk statement
  • Initiating a suitable response to safety alerts received in relation to overseas destinations.

It is expected that employees will take reasonable rest periods and will not work excessive hours which could be detrimental to their health.

9.1 Insurance Provider - Royal and Sun Alliance

With effect from 1st August 2017 the University’s insurance provider for the Business Travel Insurance Cover changed to Royal and Sun Alliance (RSA). Full cover is provided for emergency medical treatment, property, cancellation or curtailment of travel and repatriation for anywhere in the world, including ‘sanctioned’ countries when travel is allowed.

University employees are obliged to obtain insurance cover for all business trips abroad should use the TravelCert portal (https://travelcert.ajg.com/#/activation) to log details of their trip; the documentation produced will show the RSA policy information (guidance on the use of the TravelCert portal / app can be found in Appendix 2).

A medical assistance card is available for staff to print off to keep with them when travelling abroad (RSA Worldwide Medical and Security Assistance information) and can be downloaded from the Business Travel Insurance link on the University website

RSA also provide apps and advice on travel and crisis management. Information about this can also be found at the Business Travel Insurance link on the University website (https://wlv.ac.uk/staff/services/finance/departmental-services/insurance--inventory/businesstravel-

As a result of the change of Insurer there are some important points regarding cover that employees should be aware of:

  • There is no insurance cover provided for any business trips within the UK territorial limits; no
    TravelCert request should be completed
  • There are various sanctioned countries that are currently excluded from automatic cover and
    will not produce a TravelCert certificate if employees try to arrange cover. At the time of
    writing, these are as follows:
  • North Korea
  • Iran
  • Syria
  • Sudan
  • Cuba
  • Russia
  • Ukraine (Crimea and Sevastopol)

Employees should contact the University's Insurance Officer if travel is expected to any of the above countries as a supplementary travel questionnaire will need to be completed before cover can be granted. The questionnaire must be requested at least 1 week before any visa applications are made or visits to Consulates are considered and at least 2 weeks before travel commences. Once completed by the employee wishing to travel, the form must be returned to the University’s Insurance Officer together with copies of the appropriately authorised travel approval forms (ITA01, ITA02 and University Risk Assessment form if applicable). Without these, there is no guarantee travel insurance will be granted. If the travel insurer alters the list, then upon TravelCert application, the employee completing the application will be alerted that they need to contact the University’s Insurance Officer and that no travel certificate will be issued. Once the Insurer approves cover, the Insurance Officer will manually issue the certificate. It is therefore important that the TravelCert process is completed several weeks in advance of the trip. In addition, completion of the TravelCert
application is necessary to cover any potential claim for cancelled travel arrangements.

Employees travelling overseas must ensure that if they are taking medication, they must take sufficient medication with them to last for the entirety of the trip. Replenishing prescription medication whilst abroad is not covered.

Further information on the University’s Travel Insurance Policy is available by contacting the University’s Insurance Officer.

9.2 RSA Healix Travel Oracle Mobile App

The University’s Insurer, Royal and Sun Alliance, provides access to the Healix Travel Oracle App. The app has been developed by leading security and medical experts and provides users with up to date travel information and advice and real time alerts on breaking news globally. For more information and details of how to download the app, please visit:

9.3 Suzy Lamplugh Trust - Lone Worker Devices

There are many useful lone worker devices available to help manage an individual’s personal safety strategy. There are a number of devices currently on the market, some of which have a free-trial period. Details of the devices available and further guidance on personal safety can be found at the Suzy Lamplugh Trust website:

Any training required by employees participating in overseas travel should be clearly identified by the employee or lead member of staff and the necessary training, instruction and information provided. If the location to which employees are intending to travel is particularly high risk, employees may wish to consider undertaking Hostile Environment Awareness Training (HEAT) – this should be arranged by their Department.

Details of all the training courses available can be found on the Organisational Development webpage (https://www.wlv.ac.uk/staff/services/humanresources/organisationaldevelopment/
courses-by-category/health-and-safety/). Employees travelling overseas on behalf of the University should ensure that they conduct themselves in an appropriate manner that is commensurate with the values and principals of the University.


10.1 Anti-bribery

The University has a zero-tolerance policy towards bribery and corruption of all kinds. The University is committed to observing the provisions of the UK Bribery Act 2010 (the "Bribery Act"). The conviction of a bribery offence would result in significant reputational and financial damage for the University. For the purposes of the Bribery Act, the University Secretary is the University's Bribery Act compliance officer. Employees are strictly prohibited from offering, promising or paying bribes and requesting, agreeing to or accepting bribes.

Section 3 of the University’s Transparency Policy https://www.wlv.ac.uk/media/departments/officeof-
the-vice-chancellor/documents/Transparency-Policy.pdf) contains clear guidance on bribery and corruption that employees may be exposed to when travelling overseas. All employees are required to undertake mandatory Anti-bribery training and this can be accessed via the eLearning Portal (https://wolverhamptonuniversity.learnupon.com/dashboard).


10.2 International Travel Training

Should employees regularly travel to high risk destinations, line managers should ensure that employees complete specific targeted travel awareness training prior to travelling (e.g. Hostile Environment Awareness Training (HEAT). Line managers should contact Organisational Development for further guidance.

10.3 Risk Assessment

This course is targeted to employees that are required to conduct risk assessments and / or are responsible for staff who conduct risk assessments. It is recommended that employees intending to travel overseas and line managers with responsibility for approving travel complete the Risk Assessment Training course to aid completion of the ITA02 Risk Assessment Profiling Tool and University Risk Assessment form.

Appendix 1 Forms

ITA01 Travel Approval Form
ITA02 Risk Assessment Profiling Tool
ITA03 Visit Report
University Risk Assessment Form


Appendix 2 Insurance and Emergency Contact Information

Insurance Provider - Royal and Sun Alliance

Further information about the University’s Business Travel Insurance can be found on the University website at the following link:


The University’s Personal Accident & Travel Insurance covers all foreign travel for staff on University business and students on University organised study trips and placements.

Please note that there is no travel insurance provided for visits within the UK territorial limits.

Details of the University's Personal Accident and Travel Insurance policy as well as the Policy and Benefits Schedule are available to download from the website.

A synopsis of the policy is also available to download, both for staff and students. The policy is reviewed each year on 1st August. Employees should ensure have the most recent version.

Please note that some exclusions apply for countries where the Foreign and Commonwealth Office warns against all non-essential travel. Further, there is no automatic cover provided for trips to North Korea, Iran, Syria, Cuba, Sudan, Russia and Ukraine (Crimea and Sevastopol). Please contact the University’s Insurance Officer if you expect to visit this country as a supplementary travel questionnaire will require completion and submission to the Insurer before cover can be granted.

How to obtain cover

In order to be covered by the University's Business Travel Insurance, all staff, students, volunteers, external examiners and consultants travelling on University business are required to register the business / study trip online with the University's Insurance Broker, Arthur J. Gallagher (AJG), via their TravelCert website and to do so in good time before the date of the outward journey. If you do not register your trip with the Broker, insurance cover may not be provided.

Arthur J. Gallagher (AJG) TravelCert

To use the TravelCert website you need to enter the following details:

Organisation: University of Wolverhampton (after typing the few first letters of 'Uni', use the drop down box that appears to select our name; do not type the complete name)

Passcode (Activation Code): 211080

Once you select ‘Login’ you will be asked to input various details regarding yourself and any next of kin. You will then be asked to enter details of your trip. The ‘Department’ details should be your Faculty/School/Department and the ‘Expense Code’ should be your Faculty/School/Department’s general work order.

When all the required details are entered select ‘Submit’ and TravelCert will email a copy of the RSA insurance certificate to the email address you entered.

Unfortunately, due to the open nature of the TravelCert website, no personal details are retained, therefore, should you use the website to enter trip details you will have to enter your personal details each time.

TravelCert App and Healix Travel Oracle Mobile App on your Smartphone

TravelCert and Healix for mobile can be downloaded via Google Play or Apple Store either on your device or from your desktop. This will enable you to do all of the above from the convenience of your smartphone.

You will need to ‘Activate’ the app the first time you use it as above, but once done, each time you want to register a trip you can just use the ‘Launch’ button at the app’s start-up screen. Please note – you will need to use your University email address with the domain wlv.ac.uk. The University Travel Insurance Policy number is RTT306251.

The App can be downloaded from the Apple App Store or via Google Play. 

Once registered, the TravelCert app allows you to:

  • Log travel details and request a new certificate
  • Download copies of insurance certificates once approved
  • View previous travel requests and certificates
  • Store emergency contact details
  • Profile details saved so no re-keying required
  • Important information and travel details including certificates available 'off-line'
  • Access emergency assistance and claims contact details.

Personal Accident & Travel (PA&T) Documentation Links:

  • Staff Synopsis of PA&T Insurance
  • Student Synopsis of PA&T Insurance
  • RSA-Healix Medical Assistance Card
  • RSA-LUPC Personal Accident & Travel Policy Document
  • Healix Travel Oracle Mobile App - travel safety, advice & alerts.


Making a Travel Insurance Claim

In the event of having to make an insurance claim for damage/loss/theft of personal property, loss/theft of money, cancellation of trip or travel delay, please contact the University’s Insurance Officer in the first instance in order that they can provide you with the relevant Insurer claim form.

Completed claims forms must be returned to the Insurance Officer.

In the event of a medical emergency whilst abroad, initially contact Healix International where the majority of the claims will be resolved over the phone. The University Travel Insurance is supported by 24 hour emergency assistance operated by Healix International.

Emergency Assistance Helpline: +44 (0) 2086 084 100

Please quote Policy Number: RTT306251

Please note: Failure to contact Healix International in the event of a medical emergency could lead to seriously enhanced costs being incurred, which the insurers may be entitled to curtail or even decline to pay.

On your return to the University, please notify the University’s Insurance Officer of the details of
your incident.


Further information

If you require any other information relating to the above details please contact the University’s
Insurance Officer:
Martyn A Jones
Finance Department
MX207, MX Building
Internal: x1301
T: 01902 321301
E: m.a.jones@wlv.ac.uk

Appendix 3 Staff Networks

Information on the staff networks that the University has established can be found at the following link:

There are networks for BAME, LGBT and Disabled staff members.

Staff networks accomplish various functions including providing the opportunity of social interaction, peer support and personal development.

Employees travelling overseas who require support may wish to contact the appropriate network:




Employees may also wish to consult the University’s Equality and Diversity Unit for further information:


Appendix 4 Foreign and Commonwealth Office travel advice

The purpose of Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO) travel advice is to provide information and advice to help individuals make their own informed decisions about foreign travel. It also describes how the FCO assesses the risks of terrorism, civil unrest and natural disasters to advise against travel to countries or regions.

The link to the Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO) website is as follows:

Employees intending to travel overseas are required to consult the FCO website and check the advice for the destination(s) to which they are intending to travel. This information must be included in the details on their travel approval request form (ITA01, Section 7). A list of countries on which FCO advice is offered can be found at the following link: https://www.gov.uk/foreign-travel-advice

The FCO website also contains further information and resources related to the following topics:

• Travel health
• How travel companies and airlines use FCO travel advice
• Travel Aware
• Additional resources abroad
• Travel Advice: Feeds to third parties


Appendix 5 Stonewall (LGBT)

Stonewall campaigns for the equality of lesbian, gay, bisexual and trans people across Britain. The Stonewall website (www.stonewall.org.uk/) contains a large amount of workplace resources that University of Wolverhampton employees can access to obtain advice and information about various topics, including how to travel safely.

Stonewall’s Workplace Resources can be found at the following link:

The Stonewall website also contains a number of country specific briefings that staff can download. The link to Stonewall’s Global Workplace Briefings can be found at the following link:

There are also regular bulletins that offer exclusive events and webinars for global diversity champions.

In the event you are unable to access the information or download the briefings, please contact the International Centre (international@wlv.ac.uk) or the Equality and Diversity Unit (LGBTSTaffNetwork@wlv.ac.uk) for assistance.

Appendix 6 Finance: Travelling, Subsistence and Related Expenses

All staff that wish to attend courses, conferences, staff development or engage in University business activities based outside the UK will normally be required to obtain approval for the activity from their line manager and / or budget holder prior to arrangements being made.

Information and guidelines about the process for completing the FIN01, FIN02 and FIN06 claims forms can be found at the following link: https://www.wlv.ac.uk/staff/media/departments/finance/documents/Travel-Regs---amended-March-17.pdf

The information and guidelines document sets out the rules and regulations relating to the reclaiming of expenses and also provides general guidance to those involved in the process.

It is University policy that all staff-related travel and subsistence expenses are reimbursed via payroll.

There are two main claim forms for claiming reimbursement of expenses.

The FIN01 is used for reclaiming all expenses in relation to overseas travel, courses, conferences and staff development. UK travel not involving a car vehicle mileage claim should also be claimed on a FIN01.

The FIN02 is used to claim mileage for UK travel not requiring prior approval and any associated cost in connection to the journey. Prior approval is not required for intersite travel and UK car mileage in respect of University business. Prior approval is required for business travel which includes overnight accommodation. University staff have an obligation to ensure that journeys are undertaken to provide the best value for money, for example trips may be more economic via public transport and in particular journeys in excess of 160 miles round trip may be more cost effective undertaken in a hire car.

Queries regarding FIN 01 - Staff Expenses Approval & Claim Form in respect of Courses, Conferences & Staff Development AND FIN 02 - Staff Expenses Claim Form for normal business journeys not requiring prior approval should be directed to:

Expenses Clerk, Payrolls Section, Finance Department Ext: 1227

The FIN06 is used to request travel advances for staff travel overseas in excess of three days. The advance is payable to cover travelling, subsistence and related expenses. Queries regarding Application for Advance Form FIN 06, Refund / Reimbursement Form, Purchase Order Requests (Internal Documents) and University Official orders (External documents sent to suppliers) should be directed to:

Senior Payments Clerk, Payments Section, Finance Department Ext: 1213

The University’s approved travel agent is:

Clarity Travel Management
Unit 5, Hargreaves Court
Staffordshire Technology Park
ST18 0WN

Telephone: 0333 010 0045

All forms can be downloaded from the Finance webpage at the following link:


Appendix 7 Training - Organisational Development

Training requirements of those participating in overseas travel should be clearly identified by the employee or lead member of staff and the necessary training, instruction and information provided. The University’s Organisational Development webpage contains information about the training courses available for employees and can be found at the following link: https://www.wlv.ac.uk/staff/services/humanresources/organisational-development/

Health and Safety courses, including International Travel, Online International Travel and Risk Assessment Training can be accessed at the following link:

Policy and procedural training courses, including Anti-Bribery (Online) can be accessed at the following link:

How to Book

To book on to a course or to view course availability, please login to Agresso Self-Service

(https://selfservice.wlv.ac.uk/BusinessWorld/) and visit the Course Catalogue section under the
menu titled Your Development. For any course enquiries, please contact Organisational Development: OD@wlv.ac.uk or telephone extension 1293.


Appendix 8 Key Contacts


Appendix 9 Resources and Further Information




VersionApproved DateReview DateAuthor/OwnerApproved By
1 04 June 2018 04 June 2020 Directorate of Recruitment & Partnerships Corporate Management Team