The Wrenna: Book Launch

Artsfest Artsfest 2021 / The Wrenna: Book Launch

Join R. M. Francis and guests for the launch of his latest novella, The Wrenna

The Wrenna. A story of place, people and upheaval, set in Dudley, published by Wild Pressed Books.

The Wrenna is more than a place. The Wrenna echoes with its inhabitants’ voices and history, where Gran brought up her brood who all spread out into the neighbouring streets where they raised their own families. The novella’s nameless protagonist guides us through the streets and the years of the estate, telling us stories along the way. We learn how the homes begin to empty and the gangs begin to move in. How the warmth of the community he has grown up in starts to turn dark. You will taste, smell and hear the spirit of The Wrenna long after you have turned the last page.

R. M. Francis will read from his book and discuss its conception, themes and poetics in this special ArtsFest Online event.



Artsfest 2021

September 2021 Recordings:


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