R54: Microsoft Word and Excel: Computer Skills for PGRs
Dr Benjamin Halligan will outline how to use Microsoft Word for PhD thesis preparation. The presentation will include using charts, embedding images, ensuring consistency of presentation style, and security techniques to ensure against losing work.
The MS Excel practical workshop session will show you how to undertake exploratory data analysis of your results, including selecting and producing the most appropriate charts and tables. We will guide you on how to show the results of your research in a clear manner, which can be easily interpreted by those reading your thesis.
If you need it, we can also show you how to use MS Excel to conduct inferential statistical hypothesis tests and to work out confidence intervals.
Date | Time | Venue | Booking |
Vitae RDF descriptors addressed in this session are:
Domain A: Knowledge and Intellectual Abilities
The knowledge, intellectual abilities and techniques to do research.
A1: Knowledge base
Domain C: Research Governance and Organisation
The knowledge of the standards, requirements and professionalism to do research
C2: Research management