Blown Away Winner Elliot Walker Demonstrates Hot Glass at the University of Wolverhampton

Artsfest Artsfest 2021 / Blown Away Winner Elliot Walker Demonstrates Hot Glass at the University of Wolverhampton

Watch Blown Away winner and Wolverhampton graduate Elliot Walker as he delivers a live demo in our very own hot shop here at the School of Art.

Elliot Walker is one of a handful of glassblowers in the world whose focus is solely upon figurative sculpture. Sculpting in molten glass requires extreme dexterity, speed and precise temperature control. Exposed to temperatures of up to 1000 degrees the pieces are not cast, carved or ground into shape but modelled from a cooling liquid. Prior to his career in glass Elliot was a Psychology graduate but recently graduated from a Masters Degree in Applied Arts at Wolverhampton University.

“I feel I have developed very well in my career in the 9 years since my graduation. I began working at the London Glass Blowing studio, under the expert guidance of Peter Layton and his amazing team. Working and having the opportunity to exhibit in the gallery pushed my development like nothing else could have and I feel very lucky to have been a part of the team for 8 years. I have very recently opened my own studio on the outskirts of London to pursue my own sculpture and also take on larger commissions for a number of design companies and artists. I work there with my assistant and partner Bethany Wood and alongside another glassblowing team with whom we share the space. I exhibit with a number of galleries in the UK and America”

Artsfest 2021

September 2021 Recordings:


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