World IBD Day: When Art and Medicine Meet

Artsfest Artsfest 2021 / World IBD Day: When Art and Medicine Meet

The University of Wolverhampton is pleased to present an online discussion with experts in the fields of art and medicine.

In 2019 five graduate artists from the University of Wolverhampton were commissioned to make work in response to interviews with South Asian women patients suffering with Inflammatory Bowel Disease. The project, Living in Silence, aimed to find new ways of giving voice to the women’s experience and provide opportunities to create conversations about the taboo’s and difficulties of these conditions. The team are now in the early stages of commissioning a second project focused on IBD and Pregnancy and this webinar will provide an opportunity to hear about the development and impact of these projects and meet the artists.

This webinar will bring together Dr Helen Steed from The Royal Wolverhampton NHS Trust and Dr Satvinder Purewal from the University of Wolverhampton who devised the initial research project and can provide a clinical perspective to the importance of this work. Dr Denise Doyle from Wolverhampton School of Art will give an overview of how art and science have worked together and Maggie Ayliffe, Head of Wolverhampton School of Art will lead an open discussion with artists Eve Travers and Charlotte Dunn, Rae Francis, Jess Butcher, Sorrel Milne and Paul Stringer to discuss how they approach working to this brief and show some of their initial ideas.

Artsfest 2021

September 2021 Recordings:


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